Wednesday, March 25, 2009


thanks mom that email helped alot. things are going great here and its now five weeks until im out of here. im so excited to leave here but im so not ready so its good i still have time. so these week was good. the language is getting better. its going to be a while before i get it but its coming. i assumed before entering the mtc that the language would just come, definately not the case. a couple times this week i was thinking how nice it would be to speak in english. but hey no need to complain, cuz this is where i am called and who the lord calls the lord qualifies. im going to send some pictures in the mail pretty soon, so you can see how cool brazil is. its great to hear from all of you. sorry i only have one hour so ill try to respond and im only supposed to reply to family, so ill do my best to respond in this big letter. Dad thanks for the letter, its good to hear about that. im getting more and more excited to teach the gospel. today i went to the police station to get finger prints and get legalized and i saw missionaries who are out in the field and it got me excited. they said the language comes after like 2 months in the field and then you just role.... so im excited for that. its hard every week because we make great friends with the brazillians and there only here for a short stay so we have to say goodbye every week. but then more come and we make more friends. dad if you can send that blessing id be greatful, if not thats fine too. well what else.... kendal thanks for the letter. and david that email was awesome, im so glad to hear that. get ready cuz your time is right around the corner. mom you dont have to rush on the credit card because i cant use it till i get it the field. they give us money here its called reais (hey-eyes) and they took our cards and money from us until we leave to go on the mission. hmm well im having a great time. there is not much to report about, just class. and im having alot of fun and good experiences. and im growing closer to the savior each day. Mom i really apprieciate all the support, and from everyone. its so good to get on the comp on wednesday and see what you guys have to say. say hi to patric for me. and just try not to worry about me. im in the Lords hands. i miss you guys tons but im happy where im at. again you should receive pics in about 10 to 12 days. i love you all and continue to pray for me! thanks for everything

Ate mais

Elder Fletcher

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