Wednesday, March 25, 2009


thanks mom that email helped alot. things are going great here and its now five weeks until im out of here. im so excited to leave here but im so not ready so its good i still have time. so these week was good. the language is getting better. its going to be a while before i get it but its coming. i assumed before entering the mtc that the language would just come, definately not the case. a couple times this week i was thinking how nice it would be to speak in english. but hey no need to complain, cuz this is where i am called and who the lord calls the lord qualifies. im going to send some pictures in the mail pretty soon, so you can see how cool brazil is. its great to hear from all of you. sorry i only have one hour so ill try to respond and im only supposed to reply to family, so ill do my best to respond in this big letter. Dad thanks for the letter, its good to hear about that. im getting more and more excited to teach the gospel. today i went to the police station to get finger prints and get legalized and i saw missionaries who are out in the field and it got me excited. they said the language comes after like 2 months in the field and then you just role.... so im excited for that. its hard every week because we make great friends with the brazillians and there only here for a short stay so we have to say goodbye every week. but then more come and we make more friends. dad if you can send that blessing id be greatful, if not thats fine too. well what else.... kendal thanks for the letter. and david that email was awesome, im so glad to hear that. get ready cuz your time is right around the corner. mom you dont have to rush on the credit card because i cant use it till i get it the field. they give us money here its called reais (hey-eyes) and they took our cards and money from us until we leave to go on the mission. hmm well im having a great time. there is not much to report about, just class. and im having alot of fun and good experiences. and im growing closer to the savior each day. Mom i really apprieciate all the support, and from everyone. its so good to get on the comp on wednesday and see what you guys have to say. say hi to patric for me. and just try not to worry about me. im in the Lords hands. i miss you guys tons but im happy where im at. again you should receive pics in about 10 to 12 days. i love you all and continue to pray for me! thanks for everything

Ate mais

Elder Fletcher

Wednesday, March 18, 2009


i am excited to do the lords work. i cant wait to get out in the field but the ctm is helping alot. its hard to focus 24/7 on one thing but I'm doing my best. i heard a quote from the area 70 in brasil, it goes like this "pray as if everything depends on the lord, and then work as if everything depends on you" i believe that if i do this i will be just fine. i know this church is true, i know that joesph smith was a prophet of God and he restored the Gospel of Jesus Christ back to the earth, i know that Christ laid down his life for us and through him we can return back to our father. i have a testimony of the prophet Thomas s monson, i know he speaks directly with God. i am so grateful to be serving, i feel like i dont deserve to be a part of this great work, but the Lord has called me and i know i can do it, or i should say the Lord can do it through me. i am thankful for all the support of family and friends, i know i couldn't do it without that, it sounds wierd to say but i have a testimony of the power of satan, he works so hard on missionaries its unreal. he knows that we are about to bring many people to the Gospel and he is working so hard to not let that happen. this truly is hard work but i know its going to pay off. im really excited.

Love Elder Fletcher

P.S. if you could send that blessing you gave me like a month before my mission and put it on an email that would be great.


Monday, March 16, 2009


Hey family..
mom i hope that this is your email, i couldnt remember. But im in brazil right now in a cookie/internet shop.. this is where the missionaries have to go in order to email. so today i went to the Campinas Temple and it was muito linda!! it really helps to get out of the CTM it feels like a prison.. ha but its all good. so i can send an email once a week and you can email back on this address. so im loving it here, its really cool and i cant wait to start my real mission. it seems like i have been gone for like 5 years and its only been 3 weeks. but from what everyone has been telling me the CTM is like a time warp. and once you get into the field time starts up again. my pday is wednesday so ill be maybe to email every wednesday. ummmm... oh this friday we get to go out and do street contacts. its kinda crazy, but my new companion Elder Gomez speaks spanish and he can understand portuguese very well. and speak it pretty darn well. as far as my portuguese.... its okay. its going to take alot of effort and faith to be able to speak it well enough to teach by the end of april. so keep praying for me. well i dont know what else to say, other than i love you all so much and i miss you alot. but this is where the lord wants me and this is where i want to be.
Elder Fletcher

P.s. Pray for me

P.P.S. im also going to send this to dads email just in case this isnt moms..

Thursday, March 5, 2009


This week was good. I had a couple tough days in which i was quite homesick. But, I'm getting over it. I miss you guys so much. I know what I'm doing is exactly what I need to be doing! I love this gospel and I KNOW! I KNOW! it is true. So I can start by telling you about this boring week, or I can just say...I got my visa! We are leaving March 4th! So I'm pretty pumped about that! Dad will you send my blessing that you gave me? Por favor? And I will give you my email and all that good stuff when I get to Brasil. Pray for me!! I got to go to the temple today. Awesome! The thing you go through before the last room had 25 spots. Crazy. I love Provo and I love this MTC but I can't wait to get to Brazil. Like it was such a relief to get the visa! Well I miss you guys and I love you so much. Thanks for the yellow card mom and for the letter. Kendal you too. Dad and Devin as well. Thank you all! It is really nice to hear from you guys. It's going to be a lot less communication once I get to Brazil, but I will be fine. I hope! Well I got to get going. I love you all so so much. You are in my prayers ever second. Love you ALL!
Elder Elliot Ainge Fletcher
P.S. Here are some pictures (pitchers) <-----That's for Patric
(pictures to come)