Monday, June 29, 2009



okay to start mom i didnt get the card yet. i only recieve letters once a month so if it doesnt come by the end of june then ill tell you to cancel it.

okay so the big news is michael jackson. wow. hes dead. People here are nuts about him, so i cant imagine there. Dad that brazil v usa game makes me crazy. Im getting reamed here because usa was up 2 nothing. everyone here is giving me crap. its way funny. the teaching is good. we have zone conference in a week and president told us to study chapter 10 in preach my gospel which is teaching skills so i think were going to learn alot of new things. im excited.

im glad to hear about the house and about how everything there is good.things are good here. We had a lot of baptisms this week and good success. we worked our butts off. im so tired. pday is like heaven.

im still in shock about micheal jackson. but at least tons of children are now safe. one thing weird about here is that everyone listens to the same music as us. they have no idea what they are listening to. its way funny. and all the kids ask me to translate...

remember that women i talked about that hid from us. well we talked to her during the week and she said she is ready for baptism, so the zone leaders came again... and guess what? she wasnt there. they got mad. we got more mad. so we went to her house yesterday and told her if were not going to teach here anymore. kinda sad.

i dont have many details. i remember when devin was on his mission he sent a lot of letters without details and i was mad. but i understand now. not that things dont happen but its not like crazy exciting things every week.

oh i just remembered a thing that happened... haha... so we taught this girl the 1st lesson and she loved it. so on saturday we went to her house and we clapped at her door but no one answered. so i looked in the window and here entire family was there. they didnt want to let us in. so we basically forced our way in and we asked her parents if they would like to hear our message. they said no because the are christians. i said so are we. they laughed. so i asked if we can teach her daughter. so we started reading with her in 2nd nephi 31.. about baptism of Jesus and that we need to follow his example and be baptized the same way he was. (1. proper age 2. Immersion 3. proper authority). and they laughed some more. it was ugly. then my comp stopped and asked the her are you going to follow the example of Christ abd be baptized by someone who has authority. she looked at her parents and they were laughing. so she said no. we were upset because her parents influenced her. so after this the were laughing and said our church has problems. then my comp just bore sincere testimony that this is the only true church and then i followed. when we did this the spirit entered the room and they became silent. dead silent. they knew we knew. it was awesome. this made my testimony grow. we entered there house thinking that she would be baptized, left knowing that she probably wont, but yet we were happy. this is what the knowledge of the truth does. HAPPINESS.

okay well i gotta run. my comp has been done writing for ten minutes!! haha. well i love you all so much. until next time.

Elder fletcher

p.s. RIP MJ

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