Monday, June 15, 2009


Family and friends,

So these past 4 days were good. i dont know why only kendal wrote me. did i not send a letter on wednesday?? anyway its all good. i had a good week. although we had crap results. we have about 25 active members. and with the people we bring to church that are investigating the church and friends of member usually we have 45 people. yesterday we had 20 people total. and we gave talks, mine was about the importance of member in missionary work. i had quotes from prophets scriptures the whole deal. but no one was there!!! ughh. the people here are awesome but they have problems coming to church. i think its cuz its in a house and not a beautiful building. other areas have these unbeliveable chapels, more beautiful then the new ones there in the usa. but we dont have one and it makes it more difficult. but this shouldnt be a problem, they should want to come to church to learn about the savior, not for the beautiful buildings. i guess it falls on us and we need to stress the importance of sunday worship.

this week i have realized how unbealivably rich we are in the USA. wow. here the people have nothing. the rich families have a bike. the really rich families have a motorcycle and the loaded families have one car. people have one bedroom for 8 people. some families have no refigrator, no one has a dish washer, washing machine, or dryer. no one has a computer, no one has a tv more the 24 inches, no has more than 2 pairs of shoes, no one has carpeted floors, no one has 2 stories, or a basement, no one has more than 3 couches..... etc etc etc

whats my point? we are so unbeliveably blessed to live in the USA and to have what we have.. but americans are the people who complain the most, most selfish and greedy, most envious, most depressed, most rude... why? because money truly does not bring happiness. family, friends, the gospel, and love bring happiness. truly thank the Lord everyday for what we have.

in the Book of Mormon we all know the pattern of humility, blessings, wealth, pride, trangression, destuction,... then humilty, blessings....etc etc. Well the BOM is the record of the people on the american continent. this pattern hasnt stopped. we are ripe for destuction again. Be humble.

i have no idea why im talking about this. haha. but we need to be more thankful because we truly are blessed!

well all is well here. i look forward to hearing from you all again, and to hear where david is going. i love you all so much!!

Elder Fletcher

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