Monday, May 25, 2009


hola minha familia eterna,

How are things? okay i know i promised pics. i lied again. haha. i let a memer borrow my camera because she needed it for school. so sorry again.

well this week was awesome. wednesday we hade zone conference and it rocked!!!! 5 zones together. those who are leaving at the end of this transfer had to give there farwell testimonies. was awesome. then............. the newbies. haha i was suprised, but it was real good. i got to see most of my mtc buddies there and we all conversed and told our stories so far. we had trainings from the president and his wife. awesome and then trainings from the assistants. and then we had to practice the trainings and the APs called me and my companion to demonstrate teaching a lesson with what things we just learned. once again i was shocked, but it was good. then later president called me up to the pulpit to explain 20 passos. (the 20 things we need to do everyday) i guess i was the only newbie that even knew that 20 passos exsisted. thank my companion for that. and then president was giving his final training and he was telling the story of david and goliath. he called a really short missionary to be david and of course i was called to be goliath. it was a crazy day. but way fun.

this week was good. we applied what we learned from the president and we had instant success. it was cool.

well something you should know about brazillians is that they say there going to do something and then they dont. okay thats being way stereotypical, so ill just say the people in this area. but other missionaries say the same thing. We had so many investigators this week and when we say ´´voce vai a igreja este domingo?´´ they all say ´´Eu vou`` means... you going to church this sunday? and im going....... BUT when we clap at there door there excuses range from..... ´´i dont want to leave the house empty´´ to ´´i dont have any clean clothes´´ Its so annoying. my companion said that the greatest gift we gain on the mission is the gift of patience. so we had more baptisms this week and it was beatiful. we still have two families that need to be married and one family that is so intersested in the church and they want to be baptized... and tomorrow we are going to teach them the word of wisdom and sabbath day holy.... they smoke, they drink and work on sundays. its going to be tough. i think that they have no idea that we believe in these things. its going to be interesting. and they have a 21 year old daughter that already commited to baptism but she went to a catholic church this week. our main focus is going to be on them i think.

ok enough of that. so school is out!! max and noah are in heaven right? haha so whats new any crazy stories??

i almost got bit by a crazy dog. it bit my pants and it should have torn right through and got my leg. but it didnt. i honestly believe im being protected now more than ever.

so how is the BOM reading going? good? started? hah

okay well i dont know what else to say. im excited to hear where david is going. hopefully joao pessoa brazil!!

anyway mom thanks for sending the card. it should come soon, i love you all and miss you!

Love Elder Elliott Ainge Fletcher

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